70-410 – Objective 5.2 – Using PowerShell to Create and Manage Users on Windows Server 2012 R2
In this video for Objective 5.2 of the Microsoft 70-410 Exam we will cover using PowerShell to Create and Manage Users and Active Directory Objects. Using PowerShell to create AD objects is the newest supported way Microsoft recommends you to create Accounts. Although we covered command line tools like the DS tools, bulk import tools like CSVDE and LDIFDE, we no longer cover VBScript since it has been deprecated. The other fact is that Microsoft GUIs now use WMI and PowerShell to do all of the work. So if there is a GUI function there is a PowerShell CMDLet for it.
We being by opening the PowerShell Command Prompt and typing “import-module activedirectory”, so that we have the AD cmdlets available to us. You most likely will not need to type this command in, because when you use the first AD PowerShell command it should automatically import. However, I still like to type it in and it’s good practice as it save frustration later on when a command does not work. We then look at a get-help for New-ADUser commandlet and examine the attributes we can specify when creating a user. We then create a new user using the New-ADUser CommandLet. Next we look at how to modify an existing user with the Set-ADUser CMDLet and we perform a Get-Help to examine the attributes we can configure. Next we learn how to remove or delete an Active Directory User account with the remove-ADUser CMDLet function. I then talk about other command-lets for PowerShell and the administration of Active Directory.
Introduction – 0:10
Explaining the environment 0:20
Opening the PowerShell Command Prompt – 0:22
Importing in the Active Directory CMDLets – 0:27
Using the New-ADUser command – 0:55
Examining the attributes for New-ADUser – 1:20
Creating our first new user via PowerShell – 1:30
Verifying our new user has been created – 2:08
Modifying an existing user – 2:18
Examining the attributes for Set-ADUser – 2:24
Modifying the description attribute for an existing user – 2:34
Verifying the attribute has been changed – 3:08
Removing an AD User account with the Remove-ADUser cmdlet – 3:28
Verifying the AD User has been deleted – 3:50
Looking at other PowerShell CommandLets – 4:00