70-410 Objective 5.2 – Using the DS Tools to Create Users on Windows Server 2012 R2
In this video for Objective 5.2 of the Microsoft 70-410 exam, we will look at using the command line to create users. The tools that we will investigate are the ds tools, such as dsquery, dsadd, dsmod, dget, dsmove, and dsrm. We begin by looking at the dsquery command and how we can locate users in Active Directory and return the Distinguished Name of the users. We will look at using wild cards with the dsquery command to search for user objects in AD. We then learn how to add a user with the dsadd user command and how to specify some of the attributes for the user. We then look at how to use the dsmod command to modify a user and add properties i.e. change the attributes of a user. We then talk briefly about some of the other ds commands. Talking further on how they can be used in scripts and automation.
Introduction – 0:10
Opening a command prompt – 0:25
How to install the dstools – 0:35
Performing a dsquery for users – 0:52
Using wildcards – 1:45
Performing a dsadd to create a user – 2:00
Using the dsmod command to modify a user – 3:50
Using the dsrm command to remove objects – 5:15
How you can use the dstool in everyday administration – 6:02