70-410 Objective 3.2 – Creating and Configuring VM Storage on Hyper-V 2012 R2 Part 2
In this video we explore Objective 3.2 Creating and Configuring Virtual Machines Storage on Hyper-V. This is another video in the 70-410 series following the ExamRef book for the 70-410 exam. We will examine Pass-Through Disks on Hyper-V for performance, the requirements at the host level, and the benefits of Pass-Though Disks. We then look at modifying a Virtual Hard Disk and the options we have when modifying a VHD or VHDx. Such as Compacting VHDs, Converting between VHD and VHDX or Fixed and Dynamically Expanding disks, Expanding VHDs, Shrinking VHDs and Merging VHD differencing disks. We then look at CheckPoints, which are previously known as SnapShots and when to use them and when not to use them. We will also talk about using Storage QOS or Quality of Service which limits IOPs for Virtual Machines running on Hyper-V. We then discuss SAN, LAN and Fibre Channel and the expense of Fibre Channel. We talk about how Fibre Channel is going away slowly and how it is still an objective on the 70-410 because it’s a new feature. We then discuss Virtual SAN Manager and how Virtual Fibre Channel works to allow a Virtual Machine direct access to a Fibre Channel SAN.
Examining Pass-through Disks – 0:12
Modifying a Virtual Hard Disk – 1:20
Compacting a VHD – 1:33
Converting a VHD to VHDx – 1:57
Expanding a VHD or VHDX – 2:12
Shrinking a VHD or VHDX – 2:29
Merging a Differencing VHD and Parent VHD – 3:04
Creating Virtual Machine CheckPoints – 4:05
Configuring Storage QOS – 7:39
SAN vs LAN and the state of Storage in datacenters – 9:40
Connecting VMs to a Fibre Channel SAN – 13:53